Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Lanye college

I wake up In the monring ,and I took shawor, so I am every morning, I sing up . becouse, I leve In bord school and I eat my breakfast

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My car is fixed

My car is fixed, I pad like $465dollar. I went to work and it was besy. After I get from work, I went to my house.

My car got problem

My car got problem in the parking lat. When I drov like three bloke away it just stopped, and it couldn`t move, so I tried to chek the burrey , water, and oilflud, but it didn`t move. fainiy, I called for tryplay and they tow it and they drope me to the garage. the mechnic said, didn`t know what was the problem and he made an appoitment for tommro.

I went to sanfrancisco

I went to sanfrancisco whit my friend,and my ancle, it was very nice. It was a first time for my ancle. he was happy and we took pucture,we had fun.

My work place

Today In my work place had a lot of customers, and I have to deal wtih them. some customers are good, but most custemers are not freindly. They like to cmplain a bout every thing, and they don`t have patience. I short. I`m looking for, anather Job, and I hope I will get one soon.

The weather

When I weak up In the morning, I thought the weather was going to be sunny, but it was rainy. while draving my car, I couldnt see the meirrer cleariy becouse it was rainy. when I got In the parking lat I couldn`t get of my car, and I staid In the car, an Ahour. After that I went to the class.

my friend brithday

I have friend, her name is beety. Today saw her brithday, and she invaited me, when I got her home all my friends were there. she cooked a lot of food and I joyed becouse the food was dishcces. I bought a puise for presnt. I think she liked it I had a reaily a good time.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I rent apartement

I rent apartement for my ancle . he very happy

My frinend

My frinend she came to from Ethiopia, she went to vist hers family. I was work the oll day. know I finshed, becouse she is back to work.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

My spical day

Today is my spical day for me, so in the morning, i went to the ethiopia church to celebrate ethiopian cross ceremony, we celebrate once a yeay. cross ceremony is called in our languge Mesquel, and Mesquel has been celebrated in ethiopia for more than 1600 yearys. these day, we are reminded of the sufferings and death of our blessed lord.

I had dinner

I had appitement with my friend she invit to me her house to a dinner It was good.

February 2, 2007

I am gonne start to looing aprtement to rent I didn`t finded

February 1, 2007

I celled my family and they said your uncel is come to there after for two weeks, and I am very happy today.

January 31

I had dorm meeting I was clean my room after school.

January 29

I am happy today becouse I finished math Unit 1 and I passed test.

January 28

I was work one custmer, he is very hungry so he try to fast to eat and he asked to me to qukely for food, but I can`t do that becouse, we were so busy, and he can`t wait to eat so he just left.

january 27

in the morning, I want to the ethiopian church after then I saw movies stomp the yard.

January 26

I had work in the morning to early to go work, but I can’t work I am very sick. So I lift to work, earlier, and I want to home, and I sleep